
Well, its been long since i wanted to do this... There have been times when everyone feels the need for sharing your thoughts and your space with the ones whom you love and trust so much... but eventually, we all end up with so many materialistic commitments in our day-to-day lives that we either don't get the time or just feel hesitant about the whole idea of letting our space shared among strangers at face...

I must say, on a thoughtful note that blogging will fill the gap between your space and the space that you wanted to share... a powerful tool to let others know what you are made of and what you feel...

Well, thats it for my first blog... and my gang! which comprises of the 4 friends who have made my life more meaningful from under graduation... the feeling of friendship and the support that anybody needs at times of the desperation of loneliness were filled by these four. Arun, Dinesh, Kavitha and Aparna... without whom my ups and downs would have been worse than just that... See you all in my next blog! err... mindspace! ;)


Anonymous said…
Dunno wat to say... Guess my smile will reveal all of it... :)
Very happy to know that am a part of ur mind space....which also means that u r also special to me...
Recently v four have been havin good time...'touchwood'....i jus love those times...
achaggi said…
yeah da... and you all belong to my space very much... and couldn't do without you guys... :)
T.U.Dinesh said…
nice one da

and welcome to this new world ....
Anonymous said…
Ashwin...Twas really heartwarming after reading ur mind..oops..Mindspace...Superb ashwin.same here and lucky we got together..Right now am enjoying...!!!Cheers to all of us.
Anonymous said…
Ashwin..that scrap was by kavitha.Thats me :)
Anonymous said…
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