Hello, World! (Rite of passage)
Source: Towards data science I successfully completed the rite of passage for any new developer. Printing out "Hello World". Interestingly, there is history to this phrase and was first used in a book about programming on C which was again inherited from an internal memo at Bell Laboratories. Python is a syntax easy language meaning you don't have to remember a lot of Python keywords as they are similar to English. For example, I've seen in some language where print is shown as println and the use of flower brackets{}. In Python, we print hello world with the following syntax: print("Hello, World!") Here, the keyword 'print' is a function which basically prints out anything on to the screen. The parenthesis used is to give Arguments or in simple words, whatever you want to print to the screen. A function is a set of instructions combined into a single keyword to reduce repetition of code. For example, in the print() function, it basic...